Old Mass vs. New Mass
Traditional Latin Mass

With ...
Modern Mass at your parish

Atmosphere of Reverent Worship:
Peaceful, otherworldly atmosphere. Emphasis on individual "lifting his heart & mind to God." Members of congregation direct attention to God, not each other.

Social, Classroom, Entertainment Atmosphere:
Constant standing, sitting, amplified noise; atmosphere like a public meeting. Emphasis on "instruction." Socializing in church before & after service, and handshaking during.

Profound Reverence for Real Presence:
Sixteen genuflections. The hands of the priest alone touch the consecrated host. Communion given only on tongue.

Indifference, Irreverence towards Real Presence:
Only three genuflections required. Lay men & women distribute communion. Communion given in hand - a practice protestants introduced to deny Christ's Real Presence.

Fidelity to Catholic Doctrine:
Over the course of a year, presents all facets of Catholic doctrine.

Systematic Omission of Catholic Doctrines:
New prayers systematically omit references to hell, judgement, punishment for sin, merits of the Saints, the one true Church, the souls of the departed & miracles.

Bulk of Sunday prayers & their arrangement goes back at least to 300s and 400s AD. Canon essentially the same since St. Ambrose (d. 397).

Old Sunday prayers omitted or stripped of doctrines, and rearranged in 1960s.  Only 17% of old prayers remain. Chunks of ancient Canon are now  "optional." The words of consecration, Christ's own words "For you and for many" are changed. Three substitute "Canons" invented & introduced in 1960s, and still more invented later. 

Everything regulated by precise laws to protect purity of worship and doctrine.

Constant Change:
Options, options and more options. Individual priests & parish liturgy committees get to pick, drop or invent texts to push what they think people should believe.

Priest is Sacrificer:
Priest faces tabernacle, cross and altar (symbolically toward God). Priest performs all the actions & recites all the prayers of the Mass.
Priest is "President", Actor:
Priest faces people instead of symbolically "toward God." Priest sits off to side. His functions given away to lay men and women.

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